Boys Run I toowú klatseen
Boys Run I toowú klatseen is an afterschool running program that envisions boys and men posessing “strength of spirit”. It includes running, discussion, and culturally based activities that honor Southeast Alaska traditional values and aim to teach the skills needed for healthy relationships & respect for others.
In 2022, I worked with the program coordinators and coaches to help conceptualize and design a campaign to build awareness about the program and its goals. The coaches brainstormed discussion questions to be printed on coasters, coffee sleeves, and napkins to help spark community discussion around the topics that interested them in getting involved in this work.
Since Sitka is such a small town, we wanted the posters to be bright and engaging and for the coaches to be instantly recognizable to their friends and neighbors to help spark interest and engagement.
The formline art was provided by the Sitka Tribe of Alaska art department, and the colors for the posters were inspired by the accompanying video series created by Lee House for this campaign.
I also designed a website for the program in 2018.